King's Candy Land : お菓子の総合卸問屋 |
NAKAMURA Trading : 食品・ギフトの総合卸問屋 |
日本の伝統的製造法で作られた菓子のこと。日本茶や抹茶のお茶請けになることが多いため、甘いものが多く、油はほとんど使われない。主原料は 砂糖、水飴、米、小麦、豆類 イモ類などがよく使われる。

Types of wagashi
- Anmitsu: chilled gelatinous cubes (kanten) with fruit
- Amanattō: simmered azuki beans or other beans with sugar, and dried - amanattō and nattō are not related, although the names are similar.
- Botamochi: a sweet rice ball wrapped with anko (or an, thick azuki bean paste)
- Daifuku: general term for mochi (pounded sweet rice) stuffed with anko
- Dango: a small, sticky, sweet mochi, commonly skewered on a stick
- Dorayaki: a round, flat sweet consisting of castella wrapped around anko
- Hanabiramochi: a flat, red and white, sweet mochi wrapped around anko and a strip of candied gobo (burdock)
- Ikinari dango: a steamed bun with chunks of sweet potato in the dough, with anko in the center, it is a local confectionery in Kumamoto.
- Imagawayaki (also kaitenyaki): anko surrounded in a disc of fried dough covering
- Kusa mochi: "grass" mochi, a sweet mochi infused with Japanese mugwort (yomogi), surrounding a center of anko
- Kuzumochi
- Kuri kinton: a sweetened mixture of boiled and mashed chestnuts
- Manjū: steamed cakes of an surrounded by a flour mixture, available in many shapes such as peaches, rabbits, and matsutake mushrooms
- Mochi: a rice cake made of glutinous rice
- Monaka: a center of anko sandwiched between two delicate and crispy sweet rice crackers
- Oshiruko (also zenzai): a hot dessert made from anko in a liquid, soup form, with small mochi floating in it
- Rakugan: a small, very solid and sweet cake which is made of rice flour and mizuame
- Sakuramochi: a rice cake filled with anko and wrapped in a pickled cherry leaf
- Taiyaki: like a kaitenyaki, a core of anko surrounded by a fried dough covering, but shaped like a fish
- Uirō: a steamed cake made of rice flour and sugar, similar to mochi
- Warabimochi: traditionally made from warabi and served with kinako and kuromitsu
- Yatsuhashi: thin sheets of gyūhi (sweetened mochi), available in different flavors, like cinnamon, and occasionally folded in a triangle around a ball of red anko
- Yōkan: one of the oldest wagashi, a solid block of anko, hardened with agar and additional sugar
- Akumaki':one of the confections of Kagoshima Prefecture